Support for Raspberry Pi 3 and 4, Pi Zero and... probably any other Raspberry Pi version released so far, apart from the just released Raspberry 5. Official Raspberry Pi OS Desktop by Raspberry Pi Foundation. APT repository for Raspberry Pi OS (yes, now any Raspberry Pi OS user can install Astroberry Server with 'apt install')
Web interface featuring GPS Panel and Astro Panel (celestial almanac for your localization)
Astroberry Wireless Hotspot allowing to access the system directly i.e. without external wireless network eg. in the field
Remote desktop accessible over VNC at astroberry.local:5900 or a web browser at http://astroberry.local/desktop
INDI framework with all available device drivers
KStars planetarium software and Ekos with all available device drivers plus custom astroberry drivers
SkyChart / Cartes du Ciel planetarium program (only in precooked image)
Hallo Northern SKY planetarium program (only in precooked image)
CCDciel capture software (only in precooked image)
Astrometry for field solving (index files not provided and must be downloaded separately)
ASTAP, the Astrometric STAcking Program (only in precooked image)
PHD2 for autoguiding
Gnome Predict for satellite tracking
oaCapture for planetary imaging
FireCapture for planetary imaging
SER Player for watching captured video streams (only in precooked image)
Astroberry DIY drivers for focuser and relay board
Astroberry PiFace drivers for focuser and relay board
Astroberry Motor HAT for focuser based on Adafruit Motor HAT
Virtual GPS for users who do not have GPS device
File sharing server allowing for network access to captured images
Support for raspi-config (console) and rc_gui (graphical UI) for easy configuration of Raspberry Pi options